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Student Letter after 2018 SES

Not a day goes by that I don't reminisce about Summer Earth Studies.  It was truly a remarkable experience in my life that I will never forget. And it was all made possible by you!  Thank you for all that you taught me on the trip. After coming away from SES I feel significantly more independent and scholarly, and I feel I will be better off for the rest of my life because of it. I look forward to our next reunion!


A Student and Mentor's experience from SES to employment

For 6 years I have had a dream. From my junior year of high school, where I met my mentor, Mr. Schafer, who showed me the beauty of rocks and the West for the first time. Learning from the most enthusiastic, passionate, and incredible teacher shifted my world. From my first Summer Earth Studies trip, to TA'ing my second SES where I could pass down my love of geology and the path to a geoscience education and career for younger students. From SES to field school, where I honed my in my field skills, mapped the most beautiful structures of Colorado, saw New Mexico and Utah in a new light, spent the best weeks of my life with my best friends, and solidified my love for being outside. To two field seasons of 7 weeks sleeping in a tent, no showers, living  out of a backpack, looking at rocks and digging for fossils for DAYS on end.  To seeing Montana and western Canada for all its beauty.  To Sapelo Island, where I saw the beauty of modern-day paleontology and sedimentology, growing and transforming into future fossils. To winning IBA, to 2 short courses, interviews, being told I'm too young , going on a basin recruitment course in Wyoming, to NOW.  After 6 years, countless and immeasurable hours of losing sleep, studying, becoming delusional looking at ROCKS.  After 6 years, I am pleased to announce that I have officially accepted a position as an Exploration Geoscientist with ExxonMobil. I never thought this day would come, but I wouldn't wish away any moment that got me to where I am today. Thank you to all that have helped me achieve this goal. I am so thankful for you all. Houston, here I come!


A Student Reflection on the 2015 SES Trip for a College Entrance Essay

I often find myself still longing for those quiet star-lit nights, the cold and perpetually rainy mornings, and those sun-baked desert sands of Moab. I miss it. I remember looking up at the stars with my 29 other family members and just thinking about how small and insignificant those stars seemed to be, but in reality those stars were millions of miles away, shining so bright just for us.

    I wasn’t always in love with the quiet world around me. However it only took a matter of three weeks to permanently alter who I was. It all happened on a whim. It happened by chance. It happened so fast. It was Summer Earth Studies. A three-week adventure to the Western United States, hosted by John Schafer.

    Despite its name, I truly hoped wasn’t as boring as it sounded. But even still I signed up because I wanted to take a chance. I also heard some testimonials from other students saying the trip was “the highlight of my high school career” or even “an absolute life changing moment”. Surely it wouldn’t be able to change me. After all this is a summer course about rocks. And really people don’t change, just their circumstances.

    As the days draw closer to the beginning of this trip, I really start to even wonder why I signed up. Why would anyone take another class over the Summer? I was going to miss three weeks out of a classic Summer of Debauchery. But even still, I made an obligation.

    Standing at the airport at 6AM wasn’t the most enjoyable thing. As more of these somewhat familiar faces show up, I get enclosed in a feeling of uneasiness. Three weeks isn’t that long, is it? And so the plane was ready, I said my goodbyes, and in the air I went, towards adventure.

    The first adventure we went on was to Menan Buttes in Idaho. This was my first glimpse at something amazing. It wasn’t anything physically amazing, but it felt amazing. And I owe it Mr. Schafer. It was his teaching. At first I was confused at his disposition. Why did he love these rocks so much? I could feel that he was desperately trying to share this passion. Something about his fire had sincerely sparked my attention.

    But it wasn’t until around the seventh day that I fully understood Mr. Schafer. We were discussing geologic structure, and something in that moment made me realize how exciting these rocks were. I still don’t know what came over me that day, but I don’t mind it because I learned something about learning. There’s so much more than just going to class and getting a grade. I learned that knowing is only the first step.

    By 14th day, we all realize that experiences like these are fleeting. I quickly realize that I don’t want it to end. I can honestly say that for the first time in a long while, I was excited to learn. I was passionate to explore deeper. I had the hunger for understanding and comprehending. I felt like a kid again. I had this profound sense of wonder and adventure.

    But as quickly as eyes can blink, it was over.  Between all these bittersweet goodbyes was something more. I knew that this whole trip was supposed to be a “growing experience”, but I didn’t feel it. Adults don’t feel a sense of excitement anymore. I didn’t grow up at all these three weeks. I went back to being a kid. I went back to wanting to learn. Life is more interesting when you know about the world around you. Life opens up when you can hypothesize about the mysteries. It’s the mysteries that keep me learning. It’s the wading through the fog with only a lamp - that is learning - Being surrounded by clouded ideas, and lighting your own path.


A Student Reflection on the 2016 SES Trip for a College Entrance Essay

The summer before last, I participated in Summer Earth Studies with former KMHS teacher/ coach John Schafer. We got to go to 5 different states out west and I cannot put into words how much this trip impacted me. Upon getting to see the Delicate Arch in Utah, the Grand Tetons in Montana, geysers in Yellowstone, the rolling hills of the Tobacco Root Mountains, canyons, caves, waterfalls, river, and sand dunes, every single sight lit a ginormous passion in me for the outdoors, nature, and the beauty of things that are infinitely bigger than myself. Even better than just seeing them, I got to learn about these natural wonders’ geology and how they were created hundreds of years ago. I’m writing this one and a half years later and I can confidently say I reflect on this trip every single day. I have a new appreciation for the world around me and experiencing places that made me feel so incredibly small changed me, and not a day goes by that I don’t think back on the amazing things that I had the privilege of seeing in those three weeks. Nature has the ultimate power to change a person’s life permanently, and I owe so much to this experience for showing me this. This trip changed my life and I’m so grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of it.


An Email from a student after the SES 2018 Trip

Hello Mr. Schafer!! After SES, my summer has not slowed down and I haven't gotten a chance to email you since my Yellowstone trip (with her family)! While we sat in the Salt Lake City airport on the way home, I went online and found the Roadside Geology book for the Yellowstone area and I have learned so much about the area that I never knew before!

The SES trip has really changed how I look at the Earth and all of its features. While before I would've looked at a mountain and said "It's made of rock, nothing too fancy", now I look at mountains and I see the true beauty of them and yes, I annoy my mom all the time identifying rocks and different geologic features.

I appreciate you allowing me to go on this amazing experience and teaching me about the Earth in new ways. I have learned more in this course than in any other course I have ever taken.


An Email from a student after the SES 2018 Trip

Hey Mr. Schafer! I hope you are doing well. I wanted to let you know that I was inspired by SES to minor in science here at GHP and am studying astrophysics and astrobiology! We are really diving into the topics we covered on the trip and I have loved sharing my experiences with my classmates.


An Email from a Former Student

Mr. Schafer,  I know that SES 2016 was so long ago, but I wanted to let you know about how much of an impact it made on me and my life goals. Because of that life-changing trip, I am planning on majoring in geology and attending the University of Utah. Thank you so much for SES and for helping me find my home in the west!


An Email from student after SES 2017

Hello Mr Schafer,  I would like to thank you for providing me the Summer Earth Studies experience. It was once of the most and enjoyable and rewarding experiences I've ever had. You managed to renew a passion for science that I hadn't had for several years. If you have had the opportunity to calculate final grades, I would appreciate if you could tell me mine. Should you have me, I look forward to the opportunity of mentoring in a few years.


An Email from a parent after SES 2016

Coach Schafer,  First, I want you to know how much Libby loved the SES trip. She has story upon story to tell and loves throwing new science understandings  into conversation! I truly think that the trip built her independence and self-confidence and an indelible mark on her world view. She is already talking about chaperoning for you in the future! Thank you.

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